In an era when many families struggle even to eat a meal in the same room, prioritizing time together is always worth the effort.
Aug 26, 2024, By James T. Bradford
Church leader, business owner mentors others in their relationship with Christ after being discipled by local pastor.
Apr 29, 2024, By Eric Tiansay
Traditionally, the account of Christ's birth is well known; but when looked at through the eyes of history, culture, and Scripture, there may be more to this story!
Dec 21, 2015, By Marc Turnage
Most people, when imagining the tomb of Jesus, envision a large wheel-shaped stone, but archeology and even the Gospels seem to point to a different image.
Apr 12, 2020, By Jeremy Stein
In part one of this two-part series, Dr. Wave Nunnally examines a famous passage of Scripture that, when read without the benefit of cultural understanding, could leave many readers wondering about the ethics of Jesus and His disciples!
Feb 28, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
Brenton and Rachel Fessler are church planters in Orange, California, and they've found the perfect venue for reaching the community — The Ugly Mug Coffee Shop.
Jun 13, 2016, By Amber Weigand-Buckley
There's a pervasive belief that Jews despised Samaritans so much that they avoided traveling through Samaria during the time of Jesus — but is this belief true?
Feb 03, 2016, By Wave Nunnally
Is there evidence to support the claim that the resurrection of Jesus is historical reality?
Mar 02, 2018, By Wave Nunnally
In the Bible, the Christmas Story as we know it, has just one author -- Luke.
Dec 17, 2018, By Wave Nunnally
Church receptionist organizes outreach to women working in strip clubs.
Aug 18, 2021, By Ginger Kolbaba
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