For Greg Temke and his congregation, losing their sanctuary in a massive fire helped ignite spiritual growth in the church.
Nov 05, 2024, By Greg Temke
In just six months, God transformed Century Assembly from a church teetering on closure to one of the fastest growing congregations in the U.S.
Apr 25, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
General Superintendent Doug Clay shares insights to why sharing the gospel is vital and how to share that message effectively.
Jul 30, 2021, By Doug Clay
Life and ministry in Syria isn't what most people have an opportunity to see or hear about in the news . . . and then, sometimes, it is.
Aug 27, 2024, By Dick Brogden and Lisa Wright
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for children too.
Jun 20, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
Along with boldness to proclaim the gospel, the baptism in the Holy Spirit brings an increased capacity to emulate the character Jesus.
May 20, 2021, By Randy Hurst
The inscribed word "TRUST" on a door handle lock plate in Beersheva proved to be divine inspiration at just the right time.
Apr 17, 2020, By Amy Flattery
The Word of God and Kingdom values are nondiscriminatory.
Dec 28, 2016, By AG News
Most people will be quite surprised when they learn the significance of Jesus' words and actions in this well-known and often misinterpreted Bible passage!
Apr 28, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
The late AG scholar, Anthony D. Palma, shares biblical supports for embracing and experiencing the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
May 17, 2024, By Anthony Palma
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