"Breakthrough," the story of resurrected John Smith, is in theaters April 17.
Apr 08, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
Christian-themed movies can find a larger audience by stretching faith, not just reinforcing values.
May 15, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Do we condone pre-marital sex, adultery and alternate lifestyles in the name of grace because it’s popular?
Jul 26, 2015, By Scott Wilson
Bill and Eunhee Kirk keep ministering despite multiple tragedies.
Apr 17, 2023, By Peter K. Johnson
Mental health chaplain Glen Ryswyk finds leaning on Jesus can be the best medicine.
May 04, 2015, By Christina Quick
His young life was on the fast track to a dead end, but God had other plans.
Jul 05, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
"God never promised we would never suffer; instead He promised that His grace and power are sufficient for us."
Nov 04, 2015, By Randy Hurst, Director of Communications for AG World Missions
A biblical response to an increasingly sexually tolerant culture.
Dec 14, 2016, By John W. Kennedy
Duane Gryder, an AG motorcycle chaplain, found himself and hundreds of other riders in a powerful storm, which turned out to possibly be a blessing in disguise.
Jun 19, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Once-imprisoned evangelist now preaches throughout the world.
Feb 03, 2021, By Peter K. Johnson
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