General Superintendent Doug Clay shares insights to why sharing the gospel is vital and how to share that message effectively.
Jul 30, 2021, By Doug Clay
Missionaries Nick and Marcae Robertson have helped make prayer for missions and missionaries a passion for many students at UVF.
May 07, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Vanguard student Alpha Zapata knows she is destined to minister, but she is pausing for guidance along the pathway.
Feb 07, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
Being a bivocational pastor wasn't easy, but God knew that was the key for Curtis and Sue Wright to be embraced by this small, tight-knit community — even if it took decades!
Oct 11, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Upcoming movie will let the nation know about the late Brandon Burlsworth.
Feb 05, 2016, By Kenneth C. Walker
The man had to be dead — or almost dead — and he had no medical training . . . could he really be of any help?
Dec 14, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Greg and Julie Willhoit knew God had placed a call on their lives, but it wasn't until they retired that He fulfilled that call.
Mar 19, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Representing the Wisconsin program as well as their own testimonies of addiction recovery, students of the Great Lakes Adult & Teen Challenge were given a national spotlight last month at the RNC.
Aug 06, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Although the pervasiveness of the opioid epidemic is new, the symptoms and the Cure is nothing new for Teen Challenge.
Oct 16, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
AG chaplains annually join in with hundreds of other bikers on a 3,000-mile cross-country trip that honors veterans and opens the door to ministry.
Jun 18, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
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