Four students choose to spend their spring break on a 113-mile walk to raise funds for Speed the Light!
Mar 28, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Some may wonder why Skip Redd hasn't been totally healed, but God has used Skip's slow and methodical walk to open doors and make a difference in lives that he otherwise would have never had the opportunity to impact.
Jan 31, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Responding uniquely to the outcry of racism in the U.S., First Assembly of God in Milan, Tennessee, led the "Breathe Walk" — a walk of silence, unity, and love.
Jun 23, 2020, By Dan Van Veen
Despite soaring temperatures and intense humidity, Grason Wallace and Tyler Sawyer, the student pastor for Enterprise First Assembly, trekked across southern Alabama and raised thousands of dollars for Speed the Light.
Jul 11, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Doctors said he would be a quadriplegic the rest of his life — they were wrong!
Jan 23, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
In an unprecedented combined service, Samuel Rodriguez tells the nation’s Hispanics and youth of multiple ethnicities to shed paralysis of the past.
Aug 03, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Satise Roddy responds to a new calling in Minnesota.
Feb 25, 2021, By Cynthia J Thomas
Pastor’s wife defies odds after onset of aggressive brain cancer.
Jul 20, 2022, By Joel Kilpatrick
Students literally take up a cross to demonstrate their faith in Christ as they raise funds for missionaries.
Apr 12, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
“God has made us parents, not in the way we expected, but in a very beautiful way that I wouldn’t trade for anything.”
Dec 31, 2019, By Rachel Ellis
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