Jodi Detrick, an ordained AG minister, shares about her ongoing experience with her loss of sight and how such challenging times help Christians come to more fully understand "walking by faith."
Jun 25, 2024, By Jodi Detrick
New Life Assembly has faced its share of hurdles, but the faithfulness of God has remained steadfast.
Apr 09, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Ringgold (Louisiana) Assembly of God was wiped out by an apparent tornado on March 24, but the 73-year-old pastor remains steadfast in her faith.
Mar 31, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Pastor recalls long-ago Bible Quiz memory verses in preaching after loss of vision.
May 25, 2018, By Mary J Yerkes
Decades after drug use forced Stacie to give up her child for adoption, they have been reunited. Today, both are using their experiences to help restore lives broken by addictions.
Dec 20, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
Students literally take up a cross to demonstrate their faith in Christ as they raise funds for missionaries.
Apr 12, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Megachurch Pastor John Lindell urged weary Christians Wednesday night to persevere in the faith and not miss God’s calling to new opportunities, even if they seem uncomfortable.
Aug 03, 2005, By John W. Kennedy
The Senior Adult Ministries conference, held in September, highlighted the importance of grandparents and intentional intergenerational ministry on the faith formation of today's children and youth.
Oct 31, 2024, By Cynthia J Thomas
The miraculous healing of a toddler brought extra celebration at a New Jersey church’s 15th anniversary.
Jun 03, 2024, By Deann Alford
Josh Bray discovers the advantages of courage and adhering to a strong work ethic.
Jan 10, 2018, By Ashley B. Grant
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