Pentecostals is a 40-page magazine designed to be used in multiple ways to introduce people to Pentecost as it explains how to personally experience and share about the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
May 02, 2023, By Dan Van Veen
"Local churches are the seedbed where new generations of young people respond to the call of God to be missionaries." --John Easter
Feb 02, 2024
How is the Church responding in compassion and proclaiming Christ when confronted with a natural disaster in a country opposed to Christianity?
Apr 18, 2024, By AGWM Communications
Many Russians are leaving their country to avoid being caught up in the war -- the Church is welcoming them.
Apr 23, 2024, By AGWM Communications
A closer look at the "why" of suffering, persecution, war, and natural disasters and what the response of AGWM workers and other believers have been and must continue to be.
Apr 24, 2024, By AGWM Communications
In the midst of war in Ukraine, thousands are coming to the churches in response to expressions of compassion and love.
Apr 22, 2024, By AGWM Communications
Discover how the Church is flourishing in places where persecution is prevalent.
Apr 19, 2024, By AGWM Communications
A question-and-answer look at what it takes to reach people for Christ in highly secularized Europe and how that translates to reaching people in the United States.
Jun 02, 2023, By Influence Magazine
The AG has recently developed a new resource that provides explanation to visitors and reinforcement to members about Pentecostalism, specific to the Assemblies of God.
Apr 24, 2019, By Dan Van Veen
Three generations of the Grams family have served as missionaries to Argentina, working to train up Argentinians and Christians from the Americas to reach the lost for Christ.
Jun 27, 2023, By AGWM Communications
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