Beloved chocolate lab’s death leads to an evangelistic trek.
Feb 04, 2020, By Deann Alford
Silvia E. Carrizo was elected as treasurer of the AG Global Hispanic Ministry (FRAHMAD), making her the first female to serve in a FRAHMAD executive leadership role.
Nov 06, 2023, By Deann Alford
Classes for the new Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees in Organizational Leadership through Northwest University begin in January 2018.
Aug 14, 2017, By Steve Bostrom
After two decades of prayer, Oregon pastors Joe and Andrea Franco have seen doors open at their local high school, sparking a transformative movement of God that has impacted students, coaches, and their community.
May 15, 2024, By Samara Smyer
Of the three leadership awards presented at the Enactus USA National Exposition, two of them went to Evangel University students.
Jun 11, 2018
Adult and Teen Challenge (ATC) is seeing wide appreciation for its new ATC Bridge system, which assists in leader training, and is adding new curriculum for students.
Mar 15, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
The Network of Women Ministers hosted a luncheon for ladies under 40 and offered unique insight into hot topics.
Aug 04, 2023, By Ashley B. Grant
Reinhard Bonnke wraps up his evangelism ministry.
Nov 22, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
The doctor thought Dina should just let her struggling and deformed newborn baby die, but God and Dina already had things worked out!
Jul 31, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
People addicted to drugs know that their actions are destroying their families, their relationships, their careers, and their lives — so why is it so hard to just quit?
May 09, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
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