First Assembly of God in Portland, Maine, distributes 10,000 pounds of food weekly. Both volunteers and recipients at the inner-city congregation have discovered blessings.
Jan 06, 2015, By Gail Wood
Nineveh Outreach in Modesto, California, provides food and other necessities as a path to point people to Christ.
Apr 23, 2015, By Jennifer Pallikkathayil
Nicole Suydam finds her calling as CEO of Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, California.
Sep 03, 2015, By Shannon M. Nass
Sri Lanka is in the midst of a political and food crisis — prayers and funds to relieve the suffering are requested.
May 16, 2022, By AGWM Communications
Vanguard University helps food-insecure students stay well fed.
Jan 04, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
Milwaukee church takes initiative to conquer a food desert in its neighborhood.
Nov 15, 2022, By Ally Henny
Immigrants and community members respond to food pantry, as well as the Bread of Life in a Maine church.
Jul 15, 2016, By Timothy C Morgan
North Little Rock First Assembly partners with food charity, retrofits school bus as mobile pantry.
Mar 25, 2016, By Deann Alford
Services at a food pantry lead to hundreds of conversions.
Feb 09, 2018, By Allison N. Blevins
Pastor Amy Farley and River Church members are providing for the needy as a strict COVID lockdown in Vietnam left the poor in dire need of food.
Jul 28, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
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