He may lead a church of less than 50, but Pastor Daryl Pennington and the congregation of McClusky (North Dakota) Assembly of God make BGMC and missions a financial priority.
Nov 17, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
The relatively small Element youth group is working on seeing its third water well drilled for villages whose people don't have access to clean water and need to hear the gospel.
Nov 09, 2022, By Dan Van Veen
This Christmas, let our focus not be on what we want, but on counting the blessings we have already received.
Dec 01, 2022, By Richard Champion
In 2015, the Minnesota District became the first Assemblies of God district to raise more than $1 million for Speed the Light in a single year!
Feb 29, 2016, By Nii Abrahams
To impoverished families in Northern Asia, few Christmas gifts mean more than a gift of goats!
Dec 20, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
She was in Central Asia in a poorly equipped hospital far from home — the cost of life-flighting her to a quality hospital out of reach — and then God moved the heart of a businessman thousands of miles away.
Feb 20, 2024, By Larry Hall
Some know it as the "Islander Church," but Emanuelu Assembly of God has made missions to its neighborhood and around the world an integral part of its existence.
Jan 24, 2018, By Kristel Zelaya
It had been months since the church had come together, so children's pastor Michael Lenahan was surprised by the overwhelming response.
Jul 08, 2020, By Dan Van Veen
When a severe famine struck China in the early 1900s, the Assemblies of God responded.
Apr 16, 2020, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Typically the youth at New Hope Assembly looked to their leaders for fund raising for Speed the Light, but this year they also started looking to themselves . . . what a difference that made!
Feb 20, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
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