Author: Marc Turnage
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Marc Turnage
Exploring the Practices and Customs of the First Century Synagogue
Did you know the purpose of the synagogue changed a few decades after Christ's crucifixion?
Aug 09, 2016 , By Marc Turnage
Living at the Crossroads
God could have led Abraham to settle anywhere, so why did He choose the location we now know as Israel?
Jun 06, 2016 , By Marc Turnage
"Sometimes a Rooster is Not a Rooster"
How could Peter deny Christ three times before the cock crowed when chickens, roosters included, were not permitted to be raised in Jerusalem?
May 02, 2016 , By Marc Turnage
Reaffirming the Reality of Jesus
Clues within Scripture reaffirm the reality of Jesus through details many people may simply overlook.
Dec 24, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
The Birth of Jesus — a Fresh, Historical Look
Traditionally, the account of Christ's birth is well known; but when looked at through the eyes of history, culture, and Scripture, there may be more to this story!
Dec 21, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
Ritual Purity -- What it Meant
What was the significance of ritual purity -- and impurity -- in the New Testament?
Dec 02, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
Herod the Great -- Killing of the Innocents
Does the Gospel of Matthew's lone account of Herod's killing of boys two years old and younger in Bethlehem line up with historical evidence?
Sep 04, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
Key Biblical Events and the Palace of Herod the Great
In this series, Marc Turnage, director for the Assemblies of God Center for Holy Lands Studies, demonstrates how understanding history beyond the biblical texts sheds light on the character and personality of biblical figures––in this instance, Herod the Great.
Aug 18, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
Exploring the Ancient Site of Yodefat
Marc Turnage, the executive director of the AG Center for Holy Lands Studies, examines the Ancient site of Yodefat and what it reveals about the time period that Jesus walked the earth.
Jun 25, 2015 , By Marc Turnage
A Christmas Story: The Significance of Jesus' Family
Jesus' family, especially Joseph, had a significant impact on Jesus' young life and future ministry.
Dec 19, 2014 , By Marc Turnage
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