Home > Renée Griffith
God is opening doors and drawing the hearts of many in the Asia Pacific, but the need for more workers remains a strong call.
Aug 20, 2019 , By Renée Griffith
A prophecy made more than three decades ago, that the Cuban church would become a light to the world, is now becoming a reality.
Jul 22, 2019 , By Renée Griffith
Two lead pastors share how by following the Great Commission through missions has blessed their churches.
Jul 15, 2019 , By Renée Griffith
Missionaries James and Delrae Wiseman, through investing in relationships, protected a Guatemalan family from being scammed out of their life savings.
Mar 11, 2019 , By Renée Griffith
Raegan Glugosh's ministry efforts in Romania through Hagar Home and addressing the root causes of child abandonment, helped prepare her to lead when millions of traumatized refugees began to pour into Europe.
Jan 18, 2019 , By Renée Griffith
Their names may not be well known, but Tom and Nancy Westpetal's ministries are transforming lives in Russia.
Mar 10, 2017 , By Renée Griffith
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