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Nonstop Serving


Nonstop Serving

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Thomas Adamson, 85 years old and homebound in a wheelchair, and his wife Erie are a refreshing testimony of relentless faithful ministry despite rough patches. Adamson pastor emeritus of Victory Lighthouse AG (VLAG), in Mossy Head, Florida, resigned his position in 2006 after a spider bite led to the amputation of his left leg. 

In recognition of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary, the church moved its Sunday service into their home in nearby Laurel Hill on Sept. 27.

"It was really great seeing Sunday School in the back yard and the congregation worshipping in our living room," Erie Adamson says. "There was a wonderful move of the Holy Spirit as well."

Besides planting VLAG, the Adamsons have pastored four AG churches in Florida, Idaho, and South Dakota. At 80, Erie Adamson is still active serving as church secretary-treasurer and heading women's ministries.

"Sister Erie is the strongest prayer warrior we have," says Pastor Kevin Chilcutt. "Pastor Tom is held in high esteem as a seasoned servant who cares much about each individual in our church family."

Sensing the need for a Pentecostal work, the Adamsons and Chilcutt launched VLAG in Chilcutt's home in 2001. They encourage a loving informal atmosphere in tune with serving the local rural farming community on the Sunshine State's Panhandle region north of Destin on the Gulf of Mexico.

"We may be casual in the way we dress, but we are never casual in our relationship with Jesus," Chilcutt stresses.

Although only a small multigenerational congregation of around 30 members and adherents, the church ministers to a steady flow of troubled transients who find acceptance and love, stay for a season, and move on. God keeps on sending one or two people or families who need emergency help and mentoring.

The church also conducts a vibrant youth program and supports several AG missionaries, Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge and Convoy of Hope regardless of limited funds. The next step for VLAG is moving from rented space to a permanent sanctuary it plans on building. Members believe that God will provide the resources as they continue investing in youth and missions.

The Adamsons have built a strong foundation of VLAG's commitment to prayer, preaching the gospel, and loving people as Jesus would. Basking in the congregation's appreciation during their anniversary celebration, they witnessed the miracle of a young man returning to Christ during the worship service. He had rebuffed previous invitations to attend the church but was attracted to the Adamson's anniversary event.

"It was a move of God," Chilcutt says.


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