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AG Next Generation Grant Doing its Job


AG Next Generation Grant Doing its Job

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Brian Rossignol, a graduate of Central Bible College (now a part of Evangel University, Springfield, Missouri), was a 2014 recipient of AGTrust’s AG Next Generation Grant — a grant that was significant for the Rossignols and their ministry.

"The AG Next Generation Grant made a huge difference in our outlook to pay off our student loans and be able to focus on our pastoral ministry,” Brian says. The grant was created to provide assistance to a select number of graduates of AG colleges and universities to help with the repayment of their educational debt and help them move into ministry sooner. 

Today, Brian and his wife, Andrea, serve as lead pastors of Praise Assembly of God in Torrington, Wyoming. Brian is also discipleship director, children’s director, and BGMC coordinator for the AG Wyoming District. 

Brian graduated from college with a degree in church planting and pastoral ministries. He and Andrea have been pastoring Praise Assembly for two years. 

"We are real people who believe in a real God who really cares," says Brian. "It is amazing to see God's hand in our growth. Two years ago, our district leadership considered closing the church, but it is alive and well and stronger than it ever has been. We are just so blessed to be here." 

The Rossignols’ first service at Praise Assembly was in August 2014 with 21 people in attendance. After one year, that number more than doubled to 45 people. The current average attendance is 65. In the past two years, Praise Assembly has launched small groups, a midweek children's outreach, and several community outreaches. 

The Wyoming District children’s ministries area is growing under Brian's leadership as well. In June 2016, Wyoming Children's Ministries had the largest number of campers in its history. Training is being provided to local churches and about 20 of them have implemented one or more of these children’s ministries: Junior Bible Quiz, Royal Rangers, and Girls Ministries. 

"With the help of various partners and churches, the district has been able to reduce the camp registration cost to $40 per camper! Making camp more accessible has revolutionized this ministry," Brian says. 

Training young leaders like Brian is one of the major initiatives of AGTrust in its efforts to empower future generations for the task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Since 2009, AGTrust has provided 998 scholarships and grants totaling over $2.6 million to students and graduates of the 17 AG colleges and universities.

Note: The 2016 AG Next Generation application is currently available at agtrust.org with a submission deadline of Sept. 16. Applicants must be graduates of AG colleges from spring 2010 to spring 2015 and committed to a full-time AG ministry position.

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