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Asian Leaders Honored


Asian Leaders Honored

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Four longtime Assemblies of God leaders serving in Asia were honored this week at the three-day “Wind and Fire” Empowered21 Asia Congress in Singapore.

The E21 Asian Cabinet introduced the iconic Spirit-empowered leaders Thursday and gave them the opportunity to address the delegates.

“This conference included honoring those who have advanced Spirit-empowered ministry around the globe,” said E21 Global co-chair Billy M. Wilson. “Asia has produced stalwarts of the faith and [those] we honor this week represent some of the most influential and effective soldiers in the movement.”

The honorees have left a legacy of Kingdom service through church planting, pastoral leadership, and evangelism.

Colton Wickramaratne has served as chairman of the Assemblies of God of Sri Lanka for over 25 years, and is founding pastor of the People’s Church and Impetus Ministries Thrust. In his 67 years of ministry, Wickramaratne has challenged generations of young ministers to realize their fullest potential across the more than 100 countries where he has ministered. His son Dishan became senior pastor of the People’s Church in Colombo 15 years ago.

Hailing from a small town in India, David Mohan began ministering at the age of 21 and has pastored New Life Assembly of God in Chennai for over 40 years. The congregation he founded now has over 40,000 members. He simultaneously serves as general superintendent of All India Assemblies, a network of more than 8,000 churches.

Through the years, Prince Guneratnam has served in key international leadership posts, culminating in his current chairmanship of the historic Pentecostal World Fellowship. Guneratnam is senior pastor of Calvary Church in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was the first Malaysian general superintendent for the Assemblies of God in Malaysia. Calvary Church recently moved into a 600,000-square foot, 5,000-seat convention center, the largest Christian facility in Malaysia.

Perhaps the most internationally known of the honorees was David Yonggi Cho, senior pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea.

Wilson and the Asia Cabinet, including co-chairs Lawrence Khong and Niko Njotorahardjo, laid hands upon the legendary church leader and blessed Cho’s continued ministry and legacy.

“Pastor Cho has been a strong influence in my life and ministry,” said Khong. “He has blazed the trail before all of us.”

YFGC is the largest congregation in the world at 800,000 members. Spanning six decades, Cho’s ministry has taken him to 71 countries where he has conducted nearly 400 meetings.

“Dr. Cho’s influence has spanned decades and tonight it was clear he was exhorting young people to proclaim Pentecost for their generation,” said Ossie Mills, executive director of Empowered21.

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