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Prayer Chapel at General Council


Prayer Chapel at General Council

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General Council attendees in Anaheim, California, this week can find a quiet place to seek God at the 7:14 Prayer Chapel, located in the Marriot Hotel’s Orange County Ballroom.

The chapel will open at 7:14 each morning and will feature five prayer stations where visitors can take time to pray for the Fellowship, Assemblies of God U.S. Missions, AG World Missions, schools, churches, and the nation.

Special prayer guides also will focus on the General Council in session.

In addition, individuals may fill out prayer request cards for posting on bulletin boards. Visitors to the prayer room then can review the requests and pray over the needs.

Tables and chairs will be available for those wanting to sit and pray or meditate on God’s Word. Individuals also may request personal prayer from a volunteer.

“We face many challenges and opportunities as we move swiftly along the Great Commission timeline,” says John T. Maempa, a member of the AG Prayer Committee. “We need God’s help and intervention as never before.”

The prayer room is a tradition at General Council. Maempa, the retired director of the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Care, says numerous people over the years have testified of finding healing, deliverance, spiritual direction, or encouragement in the prayer room.

“Our heart cry is that the prayers offered in the prayer chapel and other gatherings at General Council will be a catalyst for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit that will bring a spiritual awakening to our hearts, to our churches, to our nation, and to the world,” Maempa says.


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