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Junior Bible Quiz Now in Hungarian


Junior Bible Quiz, Now in Hungarian

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The Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) program is one of the most popular ways for elementary-age kids in the U.S. Assemblies of God to memorize Scripture verses and teachings found in the Bible. Now, thanks to Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) — a missions program for children — it will soon be popular for kids in Pentecostal churches throughout the country of Hungary to memorize Scripture through JBQ.

Paul and Jocelyn Gracza, missionaries serving in Hungary through AG World Missions, recently sent a message expressing their appreciation for children giving to BGMC, which funded the translation, stating: “Just a few weeks ago we introduced JBQ to many children’s workers serving in the Pentecostal churches throughout Hungary. They love the program! It will be used to help children in the local churches, in local schools, and in summer camps learn more about the Bible, understand Jesus’ love for them, and challenge them to read the Bible regularly.”

Junior Bible Quiz uses the Bible Fact-Pak as its source. The Fact-Pak provides 576 question-and-answer cards in varying degrees of difficulty worth 10, 20, or 30 points. The cards pose questions about people, places, events, and teachings of the Bible. For quizzing, younger or newer participants typically just use the 10-point/easier quiz questions, while the more advanced quizzers are encouraged to know — and memorize — all the questions and answers.

“I have personally witnessed how JBQ impacts kids’ lives — and often their families’ lives — for Christ,” says Mark Entzminger, national Children’s Ministries director. “I have no doubt that JBQ will become intensely popular in Hungary and, in years to come, we will see generations of Hungarian children able to point back to their time spent in JBQ and memorizing Scripture as the time when their curiosity about God turned into a hunger for God!”

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