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Hosanna A Call to Prayer


Hosanna! A Call to Prayer

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"Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Mark 11:9).

I love the word hosanna! I heard it several times this weekend watching church services on line. I can remember getting a palm branch at church and waving it back and forth saying loudly, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” That’s a Christian tradition many of us have grown up with.

This Holy Week is different for us. It’s not one where we’re receiving palm branches from a kids worker or greeter at the door, yet somehow I believe in my spirit that our collective exclamation of "Hosanna!" can ring louder today that any in my lifetime.

Hosanna means “save now.” When used in the Psalms, it is usually translated, “help!”

This Palm Sunday, many of us find ourselves in grave situations. You may have family or friends who are fighting for their health. You may be suffering from the economic consequences of this current disaster. Still, we can cry out in one voice on this Palm Sunday, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

I have never been more encouraged to see so many calls to prayer and repentance being issued. I’ve heard from so many of our churches, networks, districts, and associations calling on people to unite in prayer. I am all in! And I want the Assemblies of God to be all in.

As we move from Palm Sunday and begin approaching Easter, I’m asking you to join me in participating in these calls to prayer which are being issued. I pray that we will let our collective hosannas reach to the heavens. As we call to the Lord to save us from this disaster and to help us in this circumstance, I’m confident that He will hear and answer.

So, let’s make this a Palm Sunday to remember — not because of the bad news surrounding us, but because of the hope He provides. Let’s remember this Palm Sunday as the day that hosannas began to rise from living rooms, hospital rooms, and prayer closets across the world. Come on, say it with me right now, “Hosanna!”

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