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Heartland Diversity


Heartland Diversity

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Burkina Faso native Patrice W. Kabore thinks he has found the perfect place to minister: Omaha, Nebraska.

In 2009, Kabore planted Crossroads Fellowship Church, an Assemblies of God church in the center of the U.S. The church attracts attendees  predominantly from West and East Africa. Togo and Burkina Faso are two of the nations most represented,

“With such a diverse congregation, our church intentionally creates a culture where everyone is celebrated,” says Kabore, 50.

As part of a deeper bonding experience, worshippers pray together for the social needs of the countries represented. After each Sunday’s service, congregants gather outside for Communion and fellowship.

Kabore describes his mission as teaching churchgoers to be agents of healing in whatever workplace or community they have influence.

“The Church has a better solution to what is going on in the world,” says Kabore, who, with his Burkina Faso native wife Linda, has four children: Kevin, Kenania, Kaitlyn, and Kelita. “That solution is simple: love.”

The ways Crossroads Fellowship Church engages the community include handing out tickets at a local bus station while offering to pray for those in need; providing free water at a gas station during summer months; and visiting a homeless shelter to provide food and service on “Remember the Poor Day.”

Regarding the homeless shelter ministry, Kabore wants Crossroads to do more than merely provide food and supplies. When volunteers from the church show up, he says it is a time that includes celebratory music and dancing. He credits the Crossroads Fellowship ministry team with sharing the joy of the Lord and reminding people of God’s love.

Additionally, the Jericho Experience ministry of Crossroads Fellowship focuses on prayer for the walls of oppression to collapse within the city. The team dedicates itself to praying for the needs of various communities, the local workforce, the school system, and single parents.

Toby Schneckloth, superintendent of the Nebraska Ministry Network, says Kabore is making a meaningful impact in Omaha and throughout the Cornhusker State.

“Patrice and Linda are tremendous ministers in our Nebraska network,” says Schneckloth. “They have also multiplied their efforts by hosting a school of ministry to raise up new ministers for the kingdom of God.”

In a joint effort with Global University, the AG’s distance-learning school based in Springfield, Missouri, Crossroads Fellowship launched Living Stone School of the Bible to train those called to various types of ministry within the church.

“We wouldn’t be as good a team today without these dynamic ambassadors for the Lord,” Schneckloth adds.

Kabore says he is passionate about raising up leaders and developing apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. He desires for the ministry to reflect teamwork and community, which can address needs of congregants in one place.

“Believers are scattering,” says Kabore. “They are struggling to grow roots in one church because they have the ‘one church, one pastor’ mindset. They go to each different ministry for a different need. We must work together because the joy of the Lord does not discriminate against any heart.”

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