Network211 Celebrates 50 Million Visitors
Network211 praised the Lord for reaching 50 million people in 14 years. Then they presented the new challenge of reaching the remaining 50 million people in the next six years; the 20th anniversary of the first launch in 2008.
The 50 million visits came from people reaching out online one by one and from 242 countries and territories. Almost 2.5 million of them then made an evangelism response and over 425,000 wrote Network211 to begin a discipleship connection. Network211 journeys with people by providing them with further content at and helps them go from "searches to churches!" by connecting them with a local church in their nations, whenever possible.
The significance of this milestone is much more than statistics. It represents a move of God to build His Church. Rick DuBose, the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God and longtime Network211 board member said, "In the last days, the Lord will pour out His Spirit one more time throughout the world. Network211 is preparing now for future harvest by planting the seeds of the gospel into the hearts of people around the world. Not all of the seed planted today will bring immediate harvest, but the harvest will come."
Mark Flattery, president of Network211 agrees, "We must continue to meet people at their point of need, as they are searching for answers and relationships so that we can plant the good news into their hearts and introduce them to Jesus. Then we can utilize our amazing Assemblies of God network worldwide and connect people to Spirit-filled believers and local Pentecostal churches."
Network211 was a result of a vision the Lord gave to George M. Flattery to use the internet as a tool of the gospel and present the good news to 10 million people. Launched in October 2008, Network211 rejoiced as the Lord smiled upon them and fulfilled this vision on October 2013. Project 10Million was expanded to become Project 100Million.
George Flattery's motivation from the moment this vision was instilled in his heart was to bring people to Jesus. He said, "I will always say that the harvest is the reward. Our reward is when you see people who come to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and you know that the Spirit of God has descended upon them. Even though your contact has been small, you can see the radical change in their lives and see them come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. That is what this is all about. It is about the harvest."
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