Feeling Alone? God is Near

Are you aware of the presence of God around you? Maybe you are thinking about that amazing time at church or that prayer time at church camp. We make comments like, “God was near,” or “God seemed so real.” Such thoughts help us to be aware of the presence of God around us.
The Bible teaches us that God is everywhere, all of the time. David even asks the question, Where shall I flee from your presence? (Psalm 139:7). Maybe you are going through one of those seasons where you wonder where God is. Here are six instances to remember that God is still with you, whether you realize it or not.
When Life Turns Upside Down
Jacob ran from his brother, who had threatened to kill him. He left all that he knew to start over. In the midst of fleeing, he encountered God, coming to an amazing revelation: “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it” (Genesis 28:16). If you are going through a moment that feels like the world is upside down, remember God is still with you.
When You Are Under Attack
I love the story about an army coming to get Elisha after he ticked off a king (2 Kings 6). When Elisha’s servant freaks out because they are surrounded, Elisha prays that God would open the servant’s eyes. The servant sees horses and chariots of fire all around. They had been in place before, but the servant didn’t realize it. If you are feeling under attack today, pray that God would open your eyes so you will realize His presence with you.
When You Are Dealing with Your Own Sin
When we sin, we choose to separate ourselves from God. David talks about this in his famous confession in Psalm 5: “Cast me not away from your presence” (verse 11). If you feel distant from God because of your sin, there is no better encouragement than David’s words at that moment. In brokenness of heart, we can get right with God.
When You Are Confused
After Jesus’ resurrection, He meets a couple of disciples on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24). In their confusion about what is happening Jesus explains what they need to understand. If you are confused with life right now, Jesus is available to help you find a way forward.
When You Are Dealing with Relationship Conflict
One of the common passages people use about the presence of God is found in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am among them.” The context of this verse is conflict and relationship issues in the church. It is a great reminder that even in our moments of clashing with other people, God is right in the midst of it.
When You Are Outside Your Comfort Zone
God keeps calling us outside of our comfort zone. And sometimes where He sends us can be to a lonely place. Some people devote their lives to ministry in some of the most difficult places in the world, places where few Christians exist. In those moments, Jesus promises, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
So whether you are going through one of these six situations or something else, don’t forget that Jesus is Emmanuel — “God with us.”
This article originally appeared at ChristConnection.cc. Kevin Senapatiratne is a member of the Assemblies of God Prayer Committee, and the founder of Christ Connection.