Highly Engaged
The Assemblies of God ranks in the top third tier in a new national religious group survey deciphering the involvement of those in the pews.
The Pew Research Center study released this week examined the participation level of attendees among 22 faith groups.
The AG tied for sixth in terms of those constituents who are "highly involved" in congregational life, at 50 percent. Pew determined religious engagement by examining three categories: church membership, frequency of attendance at worship services, and regular occurrence of going to small group activities.
Pew concluded that 43 percent of AG attendees have a medium involvement and only six percent have what is considered low participation.
U.S. Assemblies of God General Superintendent George O. Wood says he is glad so many of the Fellowship's 3,146,741 adherents have chosen to partake of the teachings and other opportunities available.
"Our Pentecostal faith emphasizes the Holy Spirit's empowerment of all believers -- not just a special few," Wood says. "It's encouraging to see our belief match our practice in Pew's report."
Those considered to have a high level of congregational involvement, according to Pew, have joined the local body, attend religious services at least weekly, and go to a prayer or Bible study group regularly. Those who haven't bothered to formally affiliate, who seldom go to services, and are uninvolved in any meetings besides Sunday morning attendance are in the "low" category. All other respondents are classified as having a "medium" level of congregational involvement.
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses -- two groups outside traditional orthodox Christianity that have aggressive proselytizing methods -- rate highest when it comes to church participation, Pew found. More than two-thirds (67 percent) of those who consider themselves a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are strongly involved, while 64 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses are highly active, according to the report.
The historically black Pentecostal denomination the Church of God in Christ finished third in highest engagement at 57 percent, followed by another Pentecostal group, Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), as well as the Seventh-day Adventist Church, both at 53 percent.
The AG, with half of members regularly engaged, tied for sixth with the National Baptist Convention, a predominantly black denomination.
Overall, the 22 faith groups studied had an average 30 percent rating for high involvement. Eight evangelical Protestant groups, with the AG counted among those ranks by Pew, had a high level participation average of 43 percent.
The lowest range of high involvement occurred among the United Church of Christ (25 percent), Orthodox Christians (20 percent), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (19 percent), Catholic Church (16 percent) and Episcopal Church (13 percent). Just one in five members of seven mainline Protestant denominations measured, including the Presbyterian Church USA, United Methodist Church, UCC, and ELCA, are highly engaged, Pew stated.