AG Facebook Page for Seniors Launched
The National Senior Adult Facebook page, designed specifically to enable and enhance communication and networking between Assemblies of God seniors, has recently been launched.
According to Wes Bartel, senior director of AG Senior Adult Ministries, the site will contain regular devotional and inspirational messages and also provide information concerning issues that are of interest to senior adults.
“It is our desire to provide expanded communication opportunities for both district and national offices to seniors,” Bartel says. “Our hope is that the site will become a medium where seniors can more effectively communicate with one another, and churches can also share ideas and ministry opportunities.”
Another key role Bartel hopes the site will fulfill is that of prayer ministry. “Seniors are frequently the backbone of many church prayer ministries. We want to establish a prayer focus on the site where special prayer needs can be posted and we will know that the need is being lifted up in concerted prayer.”
Bartel says that he believes the Facebook site will be popular with seniors. “Although, as whole, America’s seniors have been reluctant to embrace today’s technology culture, their movement into digital life continues to deepen and expand,” Bartel says. “Today, more than 60 percent of adults 65 and older, acknowledge that they are Internet users and the majority of them also are on social network platforms such as Linkedin or Facebook.”