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SEU Launching Doctor of Ministry Program

Southeastern University (AG) is preparing to launch a new Doctor of Ministry program this fall.

Southeastern University (AG) in Lakeland, Florida, has announced a new Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) program to start this fall. The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) is the highest degree for people in vocational ministry, such as pastors, associate pastors, chaplains, missionaries, and those in denominational leadership and parachurch ministry. This will be the second doctoral degree to be offered at Southeastern, following the introduction of the Doctor of Education in 2014.

“SEU has been recognized in recent years as the leader in Pentecostal scholarship,” said Dr. Alan Ehler, dean of the college of Christian ministries and religion. “Southeastern is postured to deliver the most innovative and effective D.Min available.”

D.Min courses will consist of a blend of live intensive, online, and individually mentored coursework. Students will meet for five five-day intensive sessions over the first two years of the program. The program will offer individualized contextual ministry courses, in which each student will be partnered with a faculty mentor to develop a project related to a ministry problem or opportunity in his or her ministry. This will happen in the second and third semester of the program. This work may be applied to the student's culminating dissertation, which will be developed during the third year of the program.

“The D.Min will give ministry leaders top-notch skills in reading and responding to cultural and church changes and challenges by innovative approaches to applying the unchanging truths of the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Ehler. “D.Min students will be given cutting-edge training in research, leadership, theology, and spiritual formation.”

Applications for the program are now being accepted, however, applicants for this degree must have earned a Master of Divinity (M.Div) degree or an equivalency. For more information about this program, contact George Zivkovich, graduate enrollment counselor, at 863.667.5510 or email [email protected].