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Creative Engagement

Home-schooler Sarah Evans finds a voice on public school campuses.

Editor’s note: This is one in a series of 20 PE News articles on 20 people in the Assemblies of God under the age of 20 who are making an impact in their communities.

Sarah Evans is worship leader at River of Life Assembly of God in Alachua, Florida, with an aspiration to reach her community with the gospel. Because she is home-schooled, Sarah has found creative ways to engage with other students. When she attended an “Empowerment Day” event led by Assemblies of God U.S. Missions Youth Alive missionaries in her area, Sarah was challenged to dream big and encouraged to use her experience with AG Youth Ministries National Fine Arts to minister at school rallies through human videos, worship music, and prayer.

Thanks to a close friend, Sarah became involved in a Christian club at a local high school. This resulted in her leading an evening rally of 240 students on the football field, where she led prayer, worship, and ministered through a human video. 

Dustin Evans (no relation) recently spoke with 18-year-old Sarah, whose father, Greg A. Evans is pastor of River of Life.

PE NEWS: What challenges and advantages has being home-schooled created in living out your Christian walk?

SARAH: I am a pastor’s kid, so I grew up in the church. I attended public school until sixth grade, when my parents decided to home-school out of the desire to help me receive a better education and keep me from secular influences. Through worship leading and drama coordinating, the Lord opened up opportunities for me to be a light even as a home-schooler. I was invited to lead worship at Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings at high schools and do human videos at youth rallies in churches all over my section.

PE NEWS: What instruments do you play, and who taught you the skills you needed to lead worship?

SARAH: I play predominately acoustic guitar, but I play a little bit of piano, too. When I was 12, my mom, who led worship at our church, encouraged me to start singing on the worship team. That summer, I attended my first AG PenFlorida youth camp, where God called me to start playing the guitar. When I got home, I picked up an old beginner’s guitar that my grandpa gave to me and started watching YouTube videos. This is how I learned to play!

As far as leading worship, most of my influence came from my mom. At the age of 13, my small youth group of about 10 kids needed a worship leader. I’ve learned that it’s not always about how skilled your voice is or how skilled your ability to play an instrument is, but rather how much you are willing to let God use the little that you do have to make a big difference.

PE NEWS: What is Empowerment Day?

SARAH: Empowerment Day is an event led by Youth Alive missionaries and targeted at student leaders who want to be campus missionaries. At Empowerment Day, student leaders receive strategic training and have powerful encounters with God that will inspire them to evangelize their schools. Student leaders leave equipped and ready to make a difference for Christ, whether that’s through a Christian club or one-on-one conversations.

PE NEWS: What drew you to high school campus ministry?

SARAH: The high school campus is a battlefield. I want to see revival in our high schools, and students being loud for the cause of Christ, not afraid of what others will think.

PE NEWS: Tell me about leading the evening rally at your local school.
My youth group and I really got to put Fine Arts into action. Dozens of students responded to the altar call at the end of the rally and all 240 students gathered on the football field to sing “Amazing Grace.” God’s presence was so evident.

PE NEWS: Are you going to be involved in outreach opportunities this school year?

I just graduated from high school and I am going to attend Southwestern Assemblies of God University’s  extension site, Valor School of Ministry in Griffin, Georgia, this fall semester. I am willing to get involved in high school outreach opportunities.

PE NEWS: How would you encourage other students to get involved in ministry?

Never think that who you are or what you have is too little for God to use. He has uniquely created each of us for a special purpose to use our gifts and talents for His glory.