Inaccurate Report on Cuba AG Raises False Alarm
Assemblies of God World Missions has been in direct contact with leadership of the Cuba Assemblies of God. Cuba’s church leaders confirm that no AG churches have been confiscated and a very positive relationship continues between Cuban AG churches and their communities.
“We’re grateful for the concern expressed by some of our ministers who have contacted our national offices about this inaccurate story,” says AG General Superintendent George O. Wood. “One distinctive of our Assemblies of God worldwide family is our concern for our brothers and sisters and any needs they encounter. I have been thrilled to see how God continues to bless AG churches throughout Cuba.”
“Cuba Assemblies of God believers are exemplary in their Christian witness,” says Dave Ellis, AGWM Latin America Caribbean regional director. “They are engaged in ministry to the poor and needy, and continue to share the love and message of Christ and build relationship bridges with their communities.”
“I want to reassure our churches that Assemblies of God World Missions maintains ongoing clear lines of communication with our missionaries and national churches,” says Greg Mundis, AGWM executive director. “We use multiple media avenues to ensure our U.S. churches and supporters are informed when a crisis or key news event arises.”
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Image used in accordance with CC BY 2.0 license. Photo credit: Bud Ellison, Flickr