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40th Dream Conference to Reflect Dreams Being Fulfilled

Receiving a dream from God is the focus of the 40th Dream Conference to be held at Dream City Church in Phoenix this February.

For Pastor Luke Barnett, the past 12 months have marked huge transitions for his church that have resulted in Phoenix First Assembly changing its name to Dream City Church. But Barnett says it’s far more than a name change, it’s a God-given philosophy change to ministry. And a significant portion of that new philosophy will be shared during the upcoming 40th annual Dream Conference, formerly known as Tommy Barnett’s Pastors and Leaders School, in February. 

Barnett explains that he was ministering through a second hand revelation of his father, Tommy. He was finding success ministering as his father had done, but there was something missing. “When I became pastor of Phoenix First in 2013, I decided to go on a 40-day fast and seek God for direction for the church,” Luke Barnett says, “Out of that fast, God gave me a dream of my own for this church.” 

Following God’s leading, which broke from the tradition his father had established, has resulted in the church becoming relevant to a huge portion of the unchurched — perhaps even anti-church — Phoenix population. In addition, God is already fulfilling a significant portion of the 10-year-plan He revealed to Barnett.    

Barnett says a key motivational component behind this year’s Dream Conference, which is offering free registration for a limited time, is the story of how God not only supplied and is answering the dream he was given, but how ministers and leaders can seek God for His vision for their ministry. 

“A real emphasis will be on encouraging every person who comes to the conference to get a dream from God,” Barnett says. “The services and sessions will be geared to help pastors and lay leaders dream a new dream and live their lives with a God-inspired dream.” 

Far from encouraging a vending-machine approach to God, Barnett reveals that through his own personal dream process, God reinforced to him that He is the one who fulfills dreams and they are dependent on His timing. 

“One of the key parts of my dream was for Phoenix First to become a multi-site church,” Barnett says. “For two years I did everything I could to have multiple church sites — I even hired people to help make it happen — and nothing. I began to second guess the dream — did I have my signals mixed on this one? — and, in frustration, I stepped back.” 

Within a year’s time, the church was gifted two multimillion-dollar church campuses in key locations and the church became known as Dream City Church

General Session speakers for the Dream Conference, to be held Feb. 6-8, 2017, in Phoenix, include: Luke, Matthew, and Tommy Barnett; Chris Hodges, Jurgen Matthesius, Dale Bronner, and Kent Ingle. Four labs/breakout sessions will be offered on six different topics, including: Senior Leadership, Creative Arts, Family Ministries, Next Steps, Outreach, and Business. 

“This conference is unlike most conferences, where you come and take notes and possibly gain some head knowledge,” Barnett says. “At the end of every Dream Conference session there will be a strong emphasis on praying for leaders [to receive their dream from God].” 

In addition to being an inspiration to those looking to discover God’s vision for their ministry, the conference will also aid those interested in starting their own Dream Centers or who are looking to enter or enhance their urban ministries. 

Dan Van Veen

Dan Van Veen is news editor of AG News. Prior to transitioning to AG News in 2001, Van Veen served as managing editor of AG U.S. Missions American Horizon magazine for five years. He attends Central Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, where he and his wife, Lori, teach preschool Sunday School and 4- and 5-year-old Rainbows boys and girls on Wednesdays.