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Generations of Global Passion

The eighth triennial gathering of the World AG Fellowship brings nations together in Singapore.
SINGAPORE — Believers from 84 nations gathered in Singapore for the eighth triennial World Assemblies of God Congress (WAGC) in late March. The conference, themed “Generations: A Prophetic Legacy,” featured three days of preaching, worship, and workshops for those gathered.

The WAGC is the official gathering of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF). The Assemblies of God throughout the world represents 67.9 million believers in 255 countries, territories, and provinces, who worship in more than 365,000 churches. By most estimates, it is the world’s fourth largest Christian group.

The WAGF was established in 1989 as a non-legislative body which serves to help propel the work of the gospel throughout through collaboration among the various national fellowships.

The 2017 WAGC was hosted by the Assemblies of God of Singapore, primarily at Trinity Christian Centre, which is pastored by the nation’s general superintendent, Dominic Yeo. Trinity is a megachurch with an international reach into 51 nations.

In the executive committee meetings which immediately preceded the WAGC, Yeo was elected the new secretary of the WAGF. Also, George O. Wood was re-elected as chairman and David Mohan, general superintendent of the AG of India, was re-elected vice-chairman.

A mixture of plenary sessions, detailed workshops, and evening “power rallies” included a broad and diverse slate of speakers, spanning six continents.

To accommodate the overflowing crowds, the evening power rallies were split between Trinity Christian Centre and Grace Assembly of God, with more than 16,000 in attendance.

On the opening evening, Wood urged attendees to move beyond what they think may be possible.

With a split screen joining together campuses, Wood and Mohan led attendees in a prayer for the 365,000 churches in the AG to radically expand in the next 16 years.

“On the 2,000th anniversary of Christ’s death and Resurrection in 2033, may we present Him with a gift of hundreds of thousands of new churches,” said Wood.

Breakout sessions covered topics such as intercultural ministry, social media, and leadership.

The conference weaved together young and elder generations, demonstrating the WAGC theme of legacy.

In the closing session, those under the age of 35 came to the front of the auditorium at Trinity Christian Centre. Those older than 35 prayed for God to pass on a legacy of Spirit-empowered ministry.

As it was announced that the ninth WAGC will convene in Spain in 2020, the AG of Singapore presented a gift of €25,000* to the AG of Spain to help fund the upcoming event.

“Dominic Yeo and the AG of Singapore showed outstanding hospitality and professionalism as hosts of the WAGC,” said Wood. “The amazing move of the Holy Spirit in Singapore was only a beginning of what God wants to do!”

*equivalent to $26,531 in U.S. Dollars.

Mark Forrester

Mark Forrester is the senior director of Public Relations and Communications for the General Council of the Assemblies of God. He is a graduate of Lee University and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He is general editor of Trending Up: Social Media Strategies for Today's Church. Mark and his wife, Janine, have two children and live in Springfield, Missouri.