Cuba Assemblies of God Completes Next Phase of Missions Dream
Once thought impossible, the Cuba Assemblies of God now has two missionaries on the missions field.
AGWM personnel Don and Jacquie* report that as of July 31, 2019, the Cuba Assemblies of God’s dream to send out Cuban missions personnel fully financed with Cuban funds has come to pass. Two men, both ordained pastors and church planters with the Cuban AG, have raised their missions budgets and deployed from Cuba. One serves in the jungles of Panama, and the other serves in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
As Cuba’s laws have relaxed in recent years, allowing Cubans to obtain two-year visas for international travel, the Cuban church has moved forward with church planting at home and missions ministry abroad. Finances have remained a challenge, but church leaders have remained focused on God-inspired goals.
“We have been told on numerous occasions that this would be impossible, that the Cuban church did not have sufficient resources to accomplish this,” Don and Jacquie say. “But needless to say, what is impossible from man’s perspective is entirely possible with God!”
Don and Jacquie describe the two missionaries who have gone out from Cuba as the “first fruits” of five years of investment and partnership, including support from the United States.
Jacquie says, “Please continue to pray that others from the group of 80 workers that were commissioned for missions service at the Cuban AG General Council in January will also be able to raise their funds and go to the nations of their calling.”
“Everywhere we go, a vision for missions is being birthed in this nation,” Don concludes. “We’ve traveled the island from end to end multiple times. There’s not a place we go that we don’t see God awakening a burden for missions. The church is just exploding.”
For more information on Cuba’s spiritual revolution, please click on Cuba Prophecy and see page 24 of this Worldview.
*Last name withheld for security