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Subscribing to the Right Voices

Spending time in Scripture while tuning out competing voices is vital for our faith.
Hearing powerful faith content one time is not enough. We need to be reminded of God’s Word regularly, and we need to return to our fulfillment in God over and over throughout our lives. God doesn’t call us to a one-time decision of faith, but to a life of walking by faith day in and day out in which we will experience a growing experience of fulfillment in Him.

Scripture says, “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have,” (2 Peter 1:12). Several times, the apostle Peter talks about the importance of being reminded — even of what we already know.

One of the most important spiritual keys you will ever hear is the importance of continually receiving reminders of powerful spiritual truths.

Peter is telling us to make it a habit. Many of us have habits we don’t think about, like pouring a cup of coffee in the morning, or praying before a meal. We need to set a precedent in our lives of continually returning to this all-important practice of hearing powerful spiritual truths repeatedly to remind our hearts to return and connect with our fulfillment in God.

There are many voices shouting at us so loudly these days. No other generation has had as much content as we possess. Author-pastor Dave Ferguson has written that one email from a major news corporation contains more information that a person in 17th century England would encounter in a lifetime. Our attention spans may be shorter than ever, but we take in more content than past generations simply by picking up our phone and scrolling through social media throughout the day. Do you ever scroll through social media for a few minutes, and just feel icky inside, and you’re not sure why? There is much we read in a few seconds that affects us emotionally, and we don’t ever stop to process these feelings. Yet these emotions build and we suddenly find ourselves overwhelmed by the cares and pressures of life.

This is why we need to make sure we are subscribing to the right voices. Mainly, we need powerful faith content in our lives that helps us return from the cares and pressures of life to our fulfillment in God. And more than any news, celebrity, or popular pastor, we primarily need the habit of hearing Scripture. Only God’s Word promises to not return void. Only God’s Word will go on forever.

We don’t need more words from the world. We need to establish ways to continually be reminded by powerful faith content — of our fulfillment in God, and of His Word to us each day.

Think of one news source or person you follow that you should unsubscribe to in order to bring more peace into your life. Think of one person you should subscribe to, to remind you of fulfillment in God. More importantly, begin a habit of getting into the Word of God each day.

Excerpted from 5 Spiritual Keys to Finding Fulfillment in God by Matt Brown. The book can be downloaded for free at: thinke.org/find-fulfillment.

Matt Brown

Matt Brown is an evangelist, author of Truth Plus Love, host of Think Eternity with Matt Brown, and founder of Think Eternity — a ministry sharing powerful faith content through podcasts, blogs, videos, outreaches and more. You can follow Matt at @evangelistmatt.