Remember Your Calling
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article first appeared in the magazine Pentecostals.
Those who have grown up in the faith know a salvation call in children’s church typically means the same kids come to the front repeatedly, sometimes every week if a salvation call is offered. Even if they’ve already accepted Christ months (or years) before, they respond to the altar call every time to ensure that they are, in fact, saved. Or maybe they don’t fully grasp what “being saved” means.
I can relate. The first 10,000 times I responded to the salvation call in children’s church, I did so because I feared going to hell. But one day after I prayed, I felt different. Even at age 7, I clearly remember feeling excited to give my heart to Jesus. I couldn’t wait to tell my parents — again. They sensed this time was different, too.
We prayed together, wrote the date in my Bible, and from that moment on I felt the call of ministry on my life. Even though I didn’t audibly hear God’s booming voice or experience a dove landing on my shoulder, I had a peace about what I call a defining moment in my journey.
Whatever your age, you most likely have experienced a defining moment in your life as well. Let me clarify: As Christians, we are all called to ministry. Every one of us has been created to “go.” Jesus commanded His followers to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15, NLT). We all play a part in God’s plan to cover the earth with the love of Jesus.
God has created each of us with a unique and distinct purpose, meaning we all have a responsibility to share the gospel. Thankfully, we’re not all called to accomplish that in the same way. Some will do great things as teachers, janitors, architects, doctors, politicians, bus drivers, or road workers; the list goes on and on. We all have a specific purpose as we comprise the perfect body of Christ. Everyone has been uniquely knit together in his or her mother’s womb. As God fearfully and wonderfully created us, He embedded the calling of our life within the fabric of our DNA.
We are reminded of this principle and its importance in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14:
“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body — whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free — and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so, the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
Together as Christians, with all our different passions and abilities, we form that masterpiece. Because no one is designed the same in looks, passions, thoughts, or experiences, we’re not competing against each other. We complement one another to accomplish God’s will. So, whatever it is that God has called you to, go, but not alone.
It is easy in life to allow defining moments to become distant memories. What once excited you now seems daunting and draining. The very thing that once gave you passion is now taking energy you don’t seem to have. You may be in a season now where your faith is being challenged or you need a reminder of what you have been called to or even, if you are called at all. Return to your defining moment, whether that occurred as a child, a teenager, a young adult, or more mature in age. Remember the passion you had to serve God with all your heart. Remember the desire you had to tell everyone you knew about Jesus.
You may need to let go of something or reevaluate priorities in the calling God has given you in order to continue with great vigor and zeal. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart to reveal what these things or even these people may be. What the Holy Spirit reveals may be hard to accept, but obedience is worth it.
One defining moment in my life happened during high school as I started to leave the house to join some friends for a party. As I opened the door, I sensed the voice of the Holy Spirit say, You have to choose: Do you want to be popular and keep your friends, or do you want to live for Me? I knew this defining moment meant more than just a one-time decision about whether to go to a party. Rather I had to decide the direction I’d go in my teenage years and all the years to follow. This became a reality, and since then I have had many choices to make as an adult to honor God by removing myself from anything that could jeopardize the calling He has placed on my life.
Remember, you will have to say no to some things, even good things, so that you can say yes to the great things. The calling God has placed on your life is a great thing. So, do whatever it is He is calling you to do to fulfill it. God’s will and plan for your life is so much greater than anything you could conceive on your own.