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AG Women Gaining Momentum in Light the Way Giving and Discipleship

According AG Women National Director Nonda Houston, women are catching the vision for Light the Way and are openly seeking discipleship.
“We’re finally gaining some traction,” says AG Women National Director Nonda Houston. “In 2023, Light the Way giving increased by more than a quarter-of-a-million dollars over the previous year’s effort with a record $751,000 given!”

Light the Way, Houston explains, is the relatively new missions-giving effort for women. Established in 2019, the funds raised through Light the Way are from women for women.

“We refer to it as women helping women around the world,” Houston says. “Our project last year and continuing this year is Project Rescue.”

Houston says the reason they’ve chosen Project Rescue is its values and mission statement.

“They are in three different continents and many countries,” she says, “but more importantly, Project Rescue is not just an anti-sex trafficking movement promoting awareness like so many others are — they rescue women, restore them, deal with legal and immigration issues, train women in careers, and of course, there’s also the spiritual aspect, as only Jesus can transform broken lives.”

However, the future looks even brighter for Light the Way as beginning in 2025, the program will expand to include other projects for women to choose from.

“Men have Light for the Lost, students have Speed the Light, Kids have BGMC and underneath the umbrella of each of those missions ministries are many different projects that networks, churches, and/or individuals can focus on raising funds for,” Houston says. “That’s what we’re working to create for women’s ministries groups as well through Light the Way.”

Houston notes that Light the Way doesn’t want to change what women’s ministries groups and churches are already involved in doing for missions, but desires to give those groups an opportunity to continue their ministry while also being a part of Light the Way. She also believes Light the Way will give those struggling to find a missions purpose an opportunity to be part of a nationwide community of women, churches, and networks striving to see the gospel message spread throughout the world.


In addition to seeing a growing number of women recognizing the value and importance of Light the Way, Houston says she’s witnessed a growing hunger for discipleship and training among women.

“This year’s theme for AG Women is ‘Captivated,’” Houston says. “We believe that when we have been captivated by Jesus, His love compels us to live differently and propels us into our destiny.”

As part of the theme, AG Women has released a six-week topical study, Captivated, designed to help women cultivate an intimate relationship with God.

“Proverbs 3:6 (CSB) can be translated as ‘in all your ways know him (emphasis added),’” Houston says. “We want women to know God in all areas of their life — their emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, and intellectual lives.”

The Captivated study, a 152-page book, is written for individual as well as group study. Beginning with an overview week emphasizing knowing God, the study continues by devoting a week to each of the five areas of life in which to know God. Each weekly includes five days of brief, thought-provoking conversations followed by questions with space for written reflection.

“And soon we’ll have six teaching videos that go along with each week of the Captivated study available to download for free on our website,” Houston says.

In addition, AG Women has published a free Captivated resource magazine for women. Filled with inspirational stories and guidance, the 35-page magazine includes additional information about Light the Way, ministries affiliated with the AG, a list of district directors and their district/network websites, resources available from My Healthy Church, and more.


“Championing missions and discipleship are two key areas we are focusing on,” Houston says, “but coming in 2025, we are going to expand our impact. Many times, women are given the assignment to oversee their church’s women’s ministries, but although they may have the heart for it, too often they don’t have the training. We’re going to change that.”

Houston says AG Women will offer a three-tier leadership training program for leaders at the local level.

“The first tier will be a free video featuring myself and several district directors discussing the eight essentials of leading women in the local church,” Houston explains. “The next tier will be an affordably priced subscription that provides monthly Zoom calls, additional resources, and networking opportunities with other leaders.”

The final tier, Houston says, will be a limited-in-size, five-month cohort where leadership skills will be enhanced and relationships built.

“We will go on a journey together as we continue to build leadership skills through Zoom calls, reading through and discussing a ministry or leadership book each month, unpacking challenging leadership issues, and creating an environment of networking and connecting of women’s leaders with each other for friendship and support.”

This Sunday, Feb. 25, is National Women’s Ministries Day in the Assemblies of God. Houston says she prays it marks the beginning of a new era of excitement and recognition of the potential for women in ministry, leadership, and making an even greater missional impact throughout the world.

Dan Van Veen

Dan Van Veen is news editor of AG News. Prior to transitioning to AG News in 2001, Van Veen served as managing editor of AG U.S. Missions American Horizon magazine for five years. He attends Central Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, where he and his wife, Lori, teach preschool Sunday School and 4- and 5-year-old Rainbows boys and girls on Wednesdays.