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Revision of the General Council Constitution and Bylaws


Revision of the General Council Constitution and Bylaws

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Revision of the General Council Constitution and Bylaws, the result of a 2-year study, and balloting for the 11 nonresident executive presbyters of the Assemblies of God were considered by the delegates in Thursday's business sessions. Significant awards were presented, including the General Superintendent's Medal of Honor, given to Assemblies of God laypersons for distinguished service.

At the call of the Executive Presbytery, a committee was named in 1997 to review the Constitution and Bylaws of the General Council of the Assemblies of God. The concern was that the current needs and practices of the Fellowship be addressed and affirmed by the document. Dr. Ron McManus was appointed chair of the committee. Much of the day's sessions was committed to delegates for reviewing and acting upon the committee's recommendations.

Changes proposed especially addressed allowing executive leadership increased flexibility to address the Fellowship's needs as it moved into the 21st century, while maintaining the basic structure of the Headquarters operations. Text was recommended that would reduce possibilities for legal liability, keeping the intent of the original text. A General Council Policy Manual, initiated by the Executive Presbytery and authorized by the General Presbytery, would take the place of specific structures and procedures now contained in the current Constitution and Bylaws.

The proposed changes as recommended were generally received and enabled by the delegates. The Council proposed that the General Council Policy Manual, as approved by the General Presbytery, be available to churches and ministers on request. Article XXVII, General Council Policy Manual, was amended to provide for that. Many of the changes corrected editorial form.

Question was raised concerning increased centralization of authority for providing for and changing Headquarters ministries and structures. Upon the adoption of the complete document, including amendments, General Superintendent Trask spoke to the delegates, assuring the intent is not to diminish the authority and rights of the Council. It is to provide the Fellowship with a viable constitution and bylaws, freeing it to address the needs the church will face as the new century dawns, to continue its service to and for the Fellowship.

Nonresident Executive Presbyters elected were: Robert L. Brandt, Northwest Area; Richard Dresselhaus, Southwest Area; and David Argue, North Central Area. Balloting continued for the South Central, Great Lakes, Gulf, Northeast, Southeast, Language (Spanish), Language (Other), and Ethnic Fellowship areas. Balloting for these offices will continue in Friday's sessions. The failure of the electronic voting system necessitated the return to paper ballots for Thursday's sessions.

The General Superintendent's Medal of Honor, recognizing laypersons who have given the Fellowship outstanding service, was awarded to David Cribbs and Barry Meguiar.

The Distinguished Educator's Award was presented to Dr. Zenas J. Bicket, recently retired as president of Berean University and Assemblies of God educator for 45 years, and to Dr. Del Tarr, who retired recently as president of the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary following long missionary service and Assemblies of God education ministry. These awards were presented by Dr. Wayne Kraiss, commissioner for Assemblies of God higher education.

Special tribute was given to Adele Carmichael, who has served the Assemblies of God for 82 years as evangelist and pastor, and its colleges in administrative services (see article on page B7). Now, 98 years young, she continues active ministry in her local church, including a Tuesday Morning Bible

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