Preaching Peace in a World of Chaos

Life in 2018 is filled with division and conflict: in politics, in global affairs, in churches, and even in families This tumultuous mix just might be the catalyst needed for a new revival in the U.S., according to evangelist Lynn Wheeler.
“All that chaos is waking people up, helping them realize that our need for God is a priority in our lives, for our family, for future generations,” says Wheeler, 58. “That has really increased the intensity back for God and the hunger that is there for God.”
Though traditional revival meetings have become less popular during the 21st century, Wheeler has noticed a sudden new desire among crowds coming to the altar.
“My prayer is that’s a sign of a powerful end time revival that’s coming,” Wheeler says.
Wheeler, who is based in Mustang, Oklahoma, has preached to thousands of people at camps, crusades, and conferences for over 30 years, including ministry in Ukraine and Costa Rica. He has written three books: The Other Side of Courageous, The F.O.G. is Rolling In, and Living Free: Getting the Most Out of Life and Giving Your Best to God.
Eight years ago, Wheeler sensed the Lord directing him to shift the focus of his preaching to show more grace to minister to his listeners. At the time, Wheeler struggled with spiritual attacks of worry and depression, but he says God redeemed the time of testing.
“I can see that now in the altar responses and how God is using these messages the Lord’s laid on my heart,”
One of the churches Wheeler annually speaks at is Morningside Assembly. Wheeler has known lead pastor Johnny Helton for almost 25 years and has preached annually at the church’s spiritual emphasis week since it began in 2009.
This year, Wheeler preached on how to overcome the attacks of the enemy and finding peace.
“There’s chaos in our world, chaos in our churches, chaos in our homes, and in our lives,” Wheeler says. “I thank the Lord that what’s going on around us doesn’t have to get in us.”
Fifteen people accepted Christ as Savior at the revival services, and others received spiritual breakthroughs or emotional healing from depression, worry, and self-loathing.
“Whenever Lynn finishes, the church is healthier and we’ve got a good spiritual boost to get us through the rest of the year,” says Helton, 55.
Ultimately, Wheeler says that revival begins in an individual’s heart.
“If we want revival, if we want renewal, if we want life change, it has to begin in us,” Wheeler says.