This Week in AG History – January 5, 1918
One of the best-known missionaries in the Assemblies of God was W. W. Simpson, an early missionary to Tibet and China. He was already on the mission field prior to the formation of the AG, and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit at Taochow, China, in 1912. After serving two years as principal of Bethel Bible Training School in Newark, New Jersey, Simpson returned to China in 1918 to continue his missionary work.
In the January 5, 1918, issue of the Evangel, with an article titled "Bro. W. W. Simpson’s Plans," he laid out a strategic plan for ministry in China. Some of the goals included: establishing a New Testament church, reaching out to Mandarin-speaking Chinese, establishing a Bible school for training Chinese preachers, setting up a training home for new missionaries, and holding Pentecostal meetings in new stations of missionary work.
Launching out with renewed vigor, the Simpson family located at Chenchow, Honan Province of China and later at Labrang, near the Tibetan border. Simpson writes: "I am still in the prime of life, just forty-eight years of age, and in good health. And I have three children, Margaret, aged 20; Louise, aged 18; and William, aged 16, who belong to the Lord also for His work, and are eager to go forth to His service in China." (His wife, Otilia, had passed away with cancer in 1917 while the family was living in New Jersey.)
For additional information, read the article, "Bro. W. W. Simpson’s Plans," on page 7 of the January 5, 1918, issue of The Weekly Evangel.
Also featured in this issue:
• "The Jews in Palestine."
• "The Supernatural in Christianity," by F. A. Hale
• "The Remarkable Spread of Pentecost in Chile," by W. C. Hoover
• "Questions and Answers," by E. N. Bell
• "Report From Maryland," by O. P. Brann
And many more!
Click here to read this issue now.
Pentecostal Evangel archived editions courtesy of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.