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Massive Flooding in India

Assemblies of God megachurch in Chennai sustains damage in the worst deluge in a century.

The largest Assemblies of God church in India has sustained water damage due to massive flooding occurring in the southern part of the nation.

Rains during nearly every day of the past five weeks has pummeled the area with the worst flooding in a century. More rain is expected through the weekend. Although the floodwaters haven't reached the sanctuary yet, New Life Assembly of God in Chennai along with the dwellings of some members have sustained considerable property damage.

"The flood affected the church very much, coming up to the first floor, destroying two generators and electrical panels," Pastor David Mohan says. "About 3,000 believers lost their belongings and some of our people lost their houses. Please pray for us."

The death toll in the region has reached 269. The city's airport is closed until Sunday.

Mohan pioneered New Life Assembly of God with AG missionary David Stewart Sr. in 1973. The church, one of many AG congregations in the city, now numbers more than 35,000 adherents. Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is a city of 6.7 million people located on the southeast coast of India.

Omar Beiler, U.S. Assemblies of God World Missions regional director for Eurasia, notes, "In India -- a nation of nearly 1.3 billion people -- Pastor David Mohan and the India Assemblies of God have established one of the most effective church planting initiatives in the world." 

The church served as the host for the sixth triennial World Congress of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF) in 2011, when 2,600 delegates from 75 countries met in the facility.

Mohan is WAGF vice chairman as well as Assemblies of God general superintendent in India.

Greg Mundis, executive director of the U.S. Assemblies of God World Missions, is urging constituents to remember the afflicted in India.

"Please pray that in the midst of this unprecedented flooding, believers in Chennai will come alongside their neighbors with compassion and the hope of the gospel," Mundis says. "Pray for protection for all involved in ministry and for churches and homes throughout the city."