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What is Unforgettable can be Forgotten

If one generation doesn't share the unforgettable with the next generation, it is forgotten!

During Tuesday night’s National Youth Convention service, Heath Adamson, senior director for the Assemblies of God Youth Ministries, told stories for “believing believers.” As the Israelites were led out of Egypt, they witnessed the wonders and miracles of God: parting the Red Sea and providing food through the form of manna, water gushing from a rock, the walls of Jericho crumbling.

But the Bible states in Judges 2 that after Joshua died, “there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10, ESV).

Adamson asked, "How does a child grow up in a home with parents or grandparents who were there and never even hear about God?" If no one tells them, unforgettable stories can be forgotten.

Students, parents, and leaders were reminded that they stand on the edge of another generation who must know both God and His works. It’s up to them to teach the next generation that God’s presence and miracles are still real and accessible today.

Adamson challenged those in attendance and viewing online to ensure that three seeds — the gospel, the Holy Spirit, and the mission — were planted in the hearts of the next generation. The prayer is that when students focus on what Jesus called them to, they will become Gospel-Centered, Spirit- Empowered, and Personally-Responsible for the mission of God.

Adamson said, “Until all know, we will never quit…to make Jesus and His name known.”

Early in the service it was revealed that “Until All Know” is the new Speed the Light (STL) theme.

STL is the student-initiated ministry that provides essential transportation and creative communication equipment to missionaries throughout the United States and in over 180 countries around the world.

As one of the most effective youth missions ministries, STL is training students to develop individual ownership of the Great Commission as they help Assemblies of God missionaries spread the gospel around the world.

As the new STL website describes, students sacrificially give so “missionaries can travel faster, preach clearer, and be heard louder in order for all to know Jesus.” During the service, students gave over $13,500 to STL.

After the offering was taken, Adamson went straight into his message. The two points he focused on were wrapped in simple, but insightful, statements.

First, Jesus is who He says He is.

“Jesus is not the preferred way [to the Father]. Jesus is not the cool or popular way. Jesus is still the only way,” Adamson said. We are called to know and be known by Him, so the next generation must know both Him and His works.

And second, the supernatural can be profoundly natural.

Challenging students, Adamson said, “We can't use Jesus as an excuse to create a subculture and hide in it. We also can't use relevance as an excuse to compromise.” According to him, an encounter with Jesus should translate into practical living, practical ministry, and practical acts of love. The more spiritual we are, the more practical we become.

Adamson believes God will use the next generation of Gospel-Centered, Spirit-Empowered, and Personally-Responsible students to bring about revival in the United States; but in order to make the impact believers are praying for, the seeds of the gospel, the Spirit, and the mission need to be planted.

Adamson declared, “We will make sure in our generation and in our land that what is unforgettable will not be forgotten.”

Until all know.

Much of what Adamson spoke about on Tuesday can be found in his new book, Until All Know. For more information, visit untilallknow.com.

Jade Crook

Crook is the editor and resource coordinator for Assemblies of God National Youth Ministries.