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The Blessing Pakistan

Churches in Pakistan came together to intercede for 40 days, 24/7, for the country during the Covid-19 crisis.

Assemblies of God of Pakistan sings “The Blessing.”


Description from video via YouTube:

What a blessing to see churches in Pakistan coming together to pray for the past 40 days, 24/7, to intercede for our beloved country during the Covid-19 crisis. We believe that The Blessing (Pakistan) song is a prophetic declaration of God's blessings over our nation, according to His promises for His beloved children in Numbers 6:24-26.

We want to thank all the pastors and worshipers who have come together to declare "The Blessing."

A Project by Cornerstone Youth & AG Youth Peshawar.

Music produced & mixed by Amir Ajmal (Black Cherry Studio). Mastered at Waltz mastering by Tom Waltz (U.S). Edit/post: Jason Yousaf

Special thanks to all the Worshippers & the senior leaders of Pakistan especially

Living Branch Churches

Grace Assemblies of Pakistan

Full Gospel Assemblies of Pakistan

Pakistan Gospel Assemblies

Philadelphia Pentecostal Church

Gospel Faith International Church

Word of God Ministry Pakistan