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Six Ways to Pray for the 2018 Election


Six Ways to Pray for the 2018 Election

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Prayer has power, not because of our words, but because God hears and responds. We as the people of the Assemblies of God, have a strong legacy of prayer. This legacy extends even to the civic realm.

In the Weekly Evangel (later Pentecostal Evangel) in 1916, leaders of the young Movement took the front page of the Nov. 11 issue to request two days of fervent prayer for whomever the nation would elect as president.

Throughout my life, I’ve seen time and time again the power of prayer. As we approach the 2018 midterm elections, just think of the powerful impact that 3 million believers in 13,000 churches could have as we collectively ask God for His help.

Join me in praying for these specific areas:

Pray that believers will take their civic duty as U.S. citizens to heart and vote. It is a privileged opportunity to vote. So, rather than passively complaining about outcomes, let’s exercise our right to vote.

Pray that God will grant wisdom to voters who are facing difficult choices on multiple local, state, and federal issues. Significant elections will include all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, one-third of all seats in the Senate, 36 state governors, and three U.S. territory governors. Also, many issues of consequence will be decided on local and state levels. According to James 1:5, a prayer for wisdom is one God will respond to generously.

Pray that the elections will go peacefully and that divisions will be minimized. Pray for the safety of poll workers and voters. Pray that any plans for evil would be halted by God. Pray for the integrity of our democratic process.

Pray that Christ-followers will represent Christ’s character in their conversations and on social media. We live in a polarized society. Passions run high in a political season. Things get said and posted that are not Christ-like. Let everything that you say, or post, be under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Pray that the candidates who are elected will uphold the foundational values of the gospel. Pray that those who profess faith in Christ will live, act, and vote accordingly. Pray that those who are hostile toward Christianity will be moved toward genuine faith in Christ.

Pray for the newly elected leaders to rely on God’s wisdom for the decisions they will make. Robert Cunningham once encouraged readers of the Pentecostal Evangel, “Pray, and vote — then continue to pray for those who are elected. This is the Christian’s patriotic duty.” A half-century later, his advice rings true. Pray, vote, pray again.

Over the next couple of days, the rhetoric is going to be loud and the tensions high. During all the emotional chemistry of this election season, I pray that “the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous would avail much.”

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