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Powerful Testimonies Highlight Annual Week of Prayer

The 2021 Week of Prayer offers inspirational video testimonies that emphasize daily prayer points.
Focused around the theme, “God Answers Prayer,” the Assemblies of God celebrates its 79th annual Week of Prayer, Jan. 3-9, 2021. This year’s Week of Prayer is highlighted by six inspirational videos that support the daily prayer focus.

Each of the three- to five-minute downloadable and free videos offer powerful and vibrant testimonies of God responding to prayer. For example, David Manning, a chaplain, shares how God brought him out of a life of drugs, for Sunday’s opening “From Lost to Found” prayer point. Kenosha, Wisconsin, pastor Kevin Taylor tells of his church’s miraculous prayer experience that ended rioting in his community for Monday’s “From Hate to Hope” prayer point. And for Tuesday, pastor Robbie Willis shares his miraculous healing from Parkinson’s disease for the From Sickness to Health focus.

The remainder of the prayer points include From Brokenness to Restoration, From Apathy to Action, and From Empty to Filled.

AG General Superintendent Doug Clay encourages all ministers and congregations to participate in the Week of Prayer.

“2020 has been a year that has reminded us, on multiple levels, how desperately we need God in our lives,” states AG General Superintendent Doug Clay. “We don’t know what 2021 has in store, but God does, and He will guide us through whatever is to come — and that guidance comes through prayer.”

Congregations and individuals are also encouraged to sign up to help cover the Week of Prayer in prayer, 24 hours a day in 30-minute segments, for the seven-day event.

Other available free downloads include an email header, presentation slides, and a bulletin insert for helping to promote the Week of Prayer. Week of Prayer videos and other resources are also available in Spanish. The materials can be used for online-only settings as well.

“When we put God first, our perspective changes — we begin to see things through His eyes rather than through the world’s view,” Clay says. “Daily prayer — conversing with God — and reading His Word positions us to hear from God, respond to God, and live for God like nothing else can.”

Dan Van Veen

Dan Van Veen is news editor of AG News. Prior to transitioning to AG News in 2001, Van Veen served as managing editor of AG U.S. Missions American Horizon magazine for five years. He attends Central Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, where he and his wife, Lori, teach preschool Sunday School and 4- and 5-year-old Rainbows boys and girls on Wednesdays.